Second Camposanto
Segundo camposanto was a walk in the public cemetery in Recoleta, on the morning of Thursday 23rd of June. We took recording devices, instruments and scores with us. Everyone recorded several two-minute segments in different media and sites throughout the cemetery, following a rigid pattern of duration and chronological stipulation.
On the other hand, Sebastián performed für eine(n) oder einige ausführende(n) [Manfred Werder], Santiago did page 519 of ein(e) ausführende(r) [Werder] and pages 13 and 27 of monodies pour mallarmé [Antoine Beuger], Álvaro executed for percussion perhaps, or … [James Tenney], and Nicolás did page 1 of eine/r 1-9 [Stefan Thut] and his own intemperie # 2. Also Álvaro and Nicolás played page 385 of zwei ausführende Werder].
Each of these activities was away or unavailable for others, who did not know what you did.
It was a beautiful winter morning, very cold, sunny, the birds sang, some people worked watering, cleaning graves, sweeping, guards patrolled, others performed scores, occasionally there were sounds.
the players
Santiago Astaburuaga, Nicolás Carrasco, Alvaro Ortega and Sebastián Jatz Rawicz
the instruments
acoustic bass, 2 melodicas, bird whistle, 2 Zoom H4n, tape recorder, 2 minidiscs
the place
General Cemetery, Av. La Paz, Recoleta, Santiago, Chile
June 23rd, 2011
from 10:00 to 12:00
120 minutes
possible guests
Cemetery’s gardeners, bricklayers, clerks, visitors
Segundo camposanto (27 indicios)
Assembly of 27 audio segments made in various recording formats. This assembly, made by Nicolás Carrasco, is based on the piece Camposanto [2010] ensamblaje de segmentos, and the score an ort (1-9), by swiss composer Stefan Thut.
1. Sebastián Jatz
2. Álvaro Ortega
3. Sebastián Jatz